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Soy Foods, Isoflavones, & Prostate Cancer

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5. van der Velpen V, Hollman PC, van Nielen M, Schouten EG, Mensink M, van’t Veer P, et al. Large inter-individual variation in isoflavone plasma concentration limits use of isoflavone intake data for risk assessment. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2014;68(10):1141–7.
6. Sivoňova M, Kaplan P, Tatarkova Z, Lichardusova L, Dušenka R, Jurečekova J. Androgen receptor and soy isoflavones in prostate cancer. Molecular and Clinical Oncology. 2018;10:191-204
7. Odedina FT, Akinremi TO, Chinegwundoh F, Roberts R, Yu D, Reams RR, et al. Prostate cancer disparities in Black men of African descent: a comparative literature review of prostate cancer burden among Black men in the United States, Caribbean, United Kingdom, and West Africa. Infectious Agents and Cancer. 2009;4(S1):S2.
8. Nelson WG, Brawley OW, Isaacs WB, Platz EA, Yegnasubramanian S, Sfanos KS, et al. Health inequity drives disease biology to create disparities in prostate cancer outcomes. Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2022;132(3):e155031.